Building Owner
Properties within Cesar Chavez Drive, Historic King Drive, Historic Mitchell Street, Near West Side, Silver City, North Avenue/Fond du Lac, Riverwest/Harambee and surrounding neighborhoods can apply for Brew City Match grant funding. Funds can reimburse expenses for predevelopment, build out, improvements and more.
Acceptance into the program does not guarantee you will be awarded grant money for your project.
We are no longer accepting applications for 2024. Stay tuned for 2025 updates coming soon!
Property owners work directly with area Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) to be a part of the program. Under an agreement with the BID, commercial property owners have access to:*
- Entrepreneurs supported through the program
- Competitive financing for property build-out once matched with a tenant
- Grants from the City of Milwaukee for property build-out
- Grants from the area Business Improvement District for property build-out
- Promotion of their rentable space
Property owners must agree to rent to BCM entrepreneurs and/or a neighborhood supported business for a minimum of three years. Property owners must also agree to have an initial meeting at the property with relevant partners.
*Acceptance into the program is not a guarantee of any grant, loan or service. Grants, loans and services are subject to partner rules and guidelines.
- Property owners must be in good standing with the City of Milwaukee, State of Wisconsin and the Internal Revenue Service
- Majority interest or shareholder in the property ownership entity must be 18 years of age or older
- Properties must be structurally sound with a roof in place
- Properties must be secured and safe for entry
- No outstanding blight or dumping tickets
- Current on water bills
Minimum details required for the listing:
- Pictures of front and interior
- Sq footage
- Address
- Contact of owner/broker – ensure listing agent, broker has connection to BID via BCM
- Leasing rate
- Zoning designation